

英文計畫名稱Compressibility parameter investigation and field data analysis for deep strata in Yunlin area
中文計畫摘要由103年起至109年的地陷監測井與地表水準高程測量相比對,在虎尾、元長、土庫3處2者的壓縮量不一致,地表水準高程測量的壓縮量大於地陷監測井,顯示在地陷監測井未能到達的深度也提供了壓縮量,鑑於此,本所109年於土庫國中建置一口400m深層樁,同時辦理一口400m連續取樣井,來瞭解地層實際狀況,並施作各項室內試驗瞭解岩心物理與力學參數。由計畫成果得知,目前控制土庫國中壓縮量的深度為50~156m與228~273m,而由岩心顯示主要地質組成為砂層,內夾薄泥及粉土,意即當地層組成以砂層為主的條件下,其貢獻的壓縮量佔比將提高,而由400m岩心得知在310~370m為砂層組成,未來可透過400m深層樁瞭解壓縮量。 但具有深層壓縮情況之地點亦有元長與虎尾,除建置400m深層樁來監測與瞭解深層壓縮行為外,未來也需要透過岩心判斷地層組成比例,同時利用既有分層磁環資料來比對主控壓縮層材料的組成,然而不同地質材料所提供的壓縮量不同,因此透過室內試驗來瞭解材料的物理性質與力學性質,並以一維黏彈塑性同時搭配粗顆粒、細顆粒與阻水層之水壓邊界條件架構出地層模型。過去探討地陷壓縮參數時著墨於黏土層,本年度將嘗試利用多階段Ko反覆軸向加載壓縮試驗,來模擬砂土層受到地下水位高低變化下,因有效應力變化而產生的力學與壓縮行為。
英文計畫摘要1、Perface To clarify the mechanism of ground subsidence in the Yunlin area. This project involves geologic drilling, laboratory testing, and numerical analysis to investigate the compression mechanism and compressibility parameters. Field data revealed that compression in aquifer layers is the primary source of ground subsidence. In addition, compression of saturated granular soils due to fluctuations in pore pressure is essential in ground subsidence behavior. Based on the K0-compression testing results, the proposed procedure for the evaluation of subsidence is helping to evaluate the relationship between groundwater pressure fluctuation and compaction in aquifer layers. The shakedown parameters a, b, and Nstable values are estimated to describe the induced vertical strain by groundwater fluctuations and the stabilization time in each aquifer in the test area. By incorporating the hydraulic computations, these values could benefit a plan of regional groundwater usage. 2、400m stratum drilling and HQ sampling In the 400-meter drilling sampling part, the project completed a total of 400-meter HQ full core sampling, 31 thin-tube sampling and 100 sets of soil physical tests to establish a core histogram in this area. From the composition characteristics and sequence of the accumulation layer, it can be subdivided into 63 layers from the surface to 400 meters underground. It is an accumulation layer dominated by sand and clay, mainly including sand (66%), silt and mud and clay layer (31.8%), a few are composed of gravel layer (2.3%). The result of core identification shows that the depth of GL.-332~-371.1 meters is sand. Therefore, 1.5 inches of 375 meters deep PVC pipe is placed in the drill borehole, and the screen is opened at GL.-351~-363 meters., The upper and lower water blocking layers are all sealed with bentonite. An electronic piezometer is installed in the pipe, groundwater measuring equipment is installed, and an automatic transmission system is established to measure the groundwater level below 300 meters. 3、Mechanism of ground subsidence (1) Behavior of subsidence in the Yunlin area Significant ground sunsidence in cetral-western Taiwan has drawn attendtions for decays. To facilitate the ground water and subsidence analyses, Central Geologic Survey (CGS) (1999) proposed the hydrogeological framework of the Choushui alluvial fan. The alluvial fan is divided into three aquitard layers and four aquifers layers. Hung et al. (2012) summarized the field monitoring results during the period of 1997 to 2010 and concluded that the contribution of aquifer compression is about 83% of the total subsidence and the aquifer compressions are closely related to the long-term groundwater pressure fluctuations. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the compression mechanism of the aquifer soil. The consolidation behaviors are mainly for low permeability soils such as silt and clay and the Terzaghi's 1D consolidation theory can be applicable. For granular materials, the compression is the consequence of shakedown response caused by repeated effective stress variations from pore water pressure fluctuations. The shakedown results can be used to quantativaly predict the future subsidence as well as control the subsidence rate. (2) Laboratory apparatus and testing methods This project adopts the subsidence simulator proposed by Chang and Chou (2019). The simulator adoptes the Rowe’s cell concept to maintain the K0 condition and controllable hydraulic and mechanical boundaries. The simulator is used to mimic the stress conditions of long-term groundwater fluctuations on the soil element ,to investigate the compression mechanism and prediction parameters. (3) Testing results Labotaory tests were conducted to verified the aquifer compression induced by field groundwater pressure histories. The results of the laboratory compression tests are consistent with the field magnetic ring data of layered compression. Under the applied pore water pressure fluctuations, the aquifer material exhibits the shakedown compression behavior as mentioned by Johnson (1986). The compressibility increases with the increase of the groundwater fluctuation amplitudes. To complete the subsidence analyses, the magnitude of consolidation for fien-grained soils based on the 1D consolidation theory and the contributuions of compressibility of coarse-grained soils from the shakedown theory shall be included. In this year, laboratory test program including 14 sets of constant-head permeability tests in the field stress conditions, 10 sets of constant rate of strain (CRS) 1D consolidation tests, 10 sets of shear wave velocity measurements, and 13 sets of K0 repeated and periodic compression tests were performed. The test results provide the required parameters for detailed evaluations of subsidence compaction and hydrological analysis. (4) Evaluation of compressibility parameters of aquifer layers The in-situ void ratio of the sandy soil in the aquifer layer is one of the the significant factors for the compressibility evaluation. Other factors arethe amplitude of the groundwater fluctuation and the number of cycles. The compressibility parameters of aquifer soil are estimated by periodic K0 repeated compression teststo determine, the values of the shakedown model parameters under different void ratios (e) and groundwater fluctuation amplitudes (Δu). Specifally, the shakedown parameters a, b, and Nstable values are estimated to describe the induced vertical strain by groundwater fluctuations and the time of stabilization in each aquifer in the test area. (5) Proposed procedure for evaluation of subsidence in aquifer layers Based on the shakedown concept in aquifer layers, a procedureis proposed to predict the induced subsidence due to assumed future groundwater fluctuations. Take the aquifer three in the test area as an example, the maximum subsidence and stable time in this layer can be computed. Furthermore, the available amount of groundwater can be evaluated based on the acceptable subsidence criteria in this area by incoperating the hydraulic computations. These values could benefit for plan of regional groundwater usage. (6) One-dimensional viscoelastic-plastic numerical One-dimensional viscoelastic-plastic numerical model were built, and at the same time, the required soil layering data is calculated using the latest 400-meter drilling sampling results of the project. The data of groundwater level and stratum subsidence are verified by calibration of parameters. The results show that considering the visco-elastoplastic deformation mechanism of the soil layer, it is possible to more accurately simulate the change of the ground subsidence. Later, it can be matched with the groundwater level data to predict the change of the land subsidence, grasp the settlement of the subsidence problem, and provide warning messages. 4、Installation of new monitoring equipment This project will cooperate with the research of the Ministry of Science and Technology to implement the installation of new monitoring equipment under the conditions of not affecting the construction period and risks of the drilling project and the installation of groundwater level measuring equipment. However, the comprehensive evaluation results show that the characteristics of the 400-meter drilling well diameter and the embedded water pressure gauge of Xiutan Elementary School are not suitable for the installation of other related monitoring instruments. After further discussions with the Ministry of Science and Technology team, this year's monitoring wells can regularly cooperate with them to conduct groundwater temperature measurement operations. Our team cooperated with the team of the Ministry of Science and Technology to conduct groundwater temperature measurement operations on September 15, September 29, and November 12, respectively.
年度項目(1)400m地質鑽探與HQ取樣 a.利用連續取樣岩心提供完整地質架構分析,紀錄格式依據地調所水文地質紀錄格式。 b.建置地下水位量測設備1組(包含探頭、資料儲存裝置、無限傳輸設備),並將資料匯入本署(或本所)監測系統資料庫。 c.土壤分類計100組,包含土壤含水量、粒徑分布、比重試驗、阿太堡試驗,前述試驗依ASTM規範辦理。 (2)壓縮機制探討 a.建構壓縮模式至400m,模擬地層中各層壓縮量:完成地表至深層400m壓縮模式,並進行地下水變化對於各層地層之壓縮量評估。 b.阻水層單向度黏土壓密試驗共計10組,至少須加壓至現地有效覆土應力之1.5倍,求得阻水層土壤預壓密應力及土壤壓密係數。 c.含水層及阻水層三軸透水試驗共計10組,求得土壤透水係數K。 d.含水層不同壓密應力下剪力波速量測共計10組,建立波速與孔隙比及波速與應力關係參數。 e.含水層K0反覆壓縮試驗共計10組: 利用可控制反水壓與垂直向應力之K0壓密設備(如Rowe & Barden (1966) Type壓密試驗儀),模擬現地水位升降引發之有效應力變化造成含水層壓縮,藉由多階段K0反覆軸向加載壓縮試驗,每一階以相同垂直有效應力振幅,滿足不累積超額孔隙水壓條件,直至無顯著永久應變累積,接續增加振幅進行下一階試驗,以多階試驗求得飽和顆粒性土層震陷(shakedown)特性,率定含水層顆粒性材料於反覆加載下壓縮行為,進而推估長期水位升降引致之含水層壓縮量。 f.評估不同應力下主控壓縮層的材料壓縮行為,針對不同用水情境,提供到達穩定時間以及造成的壓縮量。 (3)協助感知器或非常規試驗建置:不影響工程工期與風險條件下,配合科技部於「尖端地層下陷防治技術之研發」之需求辦理。 。
英文關鍵字Land subsidence,Groundwater fluctuation, Shakedown theory
計畫研究成果1、於秀潭國小完成400公尺深度之全取樣,薄管取樣共31支,深度332至372公尺岩性主要以砂構成偶夾礫石或薄層黏土,選定開篩深度354至366公尺,為透水性良好砂層,深度332至372公尺回填七厘石,下封層深度為372公尺至孔底,上封層深度為300公尺至332公尺。 2、以土庫國中與秀潭國小不同深度阻水層材料進行現地應力下定水頭試驗,阻水層材料於現地壓密應力作用下,透水係數為3.8 x10-8至7.7 x10-10 m/sec之範圍。 3、於現地壓密應力作用下,含水層1透水係數為7.1 x10-6至8.5 x10-6 m/sec、含水層2為7.0 x10-6至9.2 x10-6 m/sec、含水層3為1.1 x10-5至1.3 x10-6 m/sec、含水層4為7.6 x10-6至3.0 x10-6 m/sec之範圍內。比對地調所(1997)提出之透水係數分級參考表,屬中級至差級之富水層水文地質。 4、含水層材料剪力波速量測係搭配等應變速率單向度壓縮試驗進行分階壓密過程進行,試驗中最大垂直有效應力約達6000 kPa,孔隙比由0.9變化至最小值為0.5左右,試驗結果可良好涵蓋垂直有效應力與孔隙比可能之變化範圍。 5、由現地實測水壓變化進行壓縮模擬成果顯示,土庫國中目前122至185m之砂土,其孔隙比約為0.510,在相同水壓變化歷程下,可推估未來27年之砂土壓縮量貢獻約為8.7cm。
應用情形及效益1、含水層K0反覆壓縮試驗包含以現地水壓變化監測數據作為含水層砂土不規則加載壓縮之有效應力歷史模擬,壓縮試驗數據與現場磁環監測結果一致,可驗證目前砂土受孔隙水壓波動為主要引起含水層壓縮之主因。 2、以不同水位升降幅度進行反覆K0壓縮試驗可得各階水壓波動下累積塑性應變值,利用本年度提出之震陷應變評估模式,可估算各含水層受水壓波動幅度、反覆加載次數等因素引致之壓縮量變化,取得各含水層分層壓縮特性,並建立不同用水情境下,雲林試驗地區含水層因孔隙水壓波動造成之壓縮量預測模式。