

英文計畫名稱The Hydraulic Digital Elevation Model Data Used In Flooding Simulation Model
中文計畫摘要本所為由地文資料提高淹水模擬可靠度,自107年起與內政部合作試辦產製水利數值地形資料(Hydraulic Digital Elevation Model, 以下簡稱HyDEM)及三維水利圖徵,並研擬「水利數值地形資料產製及檢核技術指引」,以利110~113年內政部產製全國(不含外島)之HyDEM及三維水利圖徵供淹水模擬使用。 為配合內政部產製規劃,本計畫將以近年產製之水利數值地形資料搭配淹水模式進行建置及模擬效率測試,也結合HyDEM及淹水模擬歷程進行三維成果展示;此外為使使用者瞭解HyDEM及三維水利圖徵之使用方式,本計畫研擬HyDEM及三維水利圖徵資料使用指引;同時為瞭解如何利用HyDEM及三維水利圖徵進行地文資料更新及檢核,本計畫亦提供地文資料建置作業參考手冊,並開發模式資料檢核工具,以提高建置與檢核模式之效率。
英文計畫摘要In order to increase the reliability of geography data in flooding simulation, we have cooperated with Ministry of Interior for processing Hydraulic Digital Elevation Model (HyDEM) and 3D hydraulic feature and proposed HyDEM measuring and checking technical guide for national-wide standard of HyDEM process from 2019 to 2024 of Ministry of Interior to 3D hydraulic feature flooding simulation. According to result of “Study on Updating Geo-Information and 2D Flood Modeling” of Water Resources Planning Institute of Water Resources Agency in 2016, original version of high-resolution DEM has difficulties on working on terrain and building features in hydraulic simulation application. Through drainage level recognition of Department of Land Administration, MOI, we can identify possible obstacles to drainage such as water restoring spaces (buildings, fish farm, ponds) and water shore constructions (sea walls) on airborne LiDAR LAS filtering out topographical features. Processing such spatial feature information of hydraulic model with dots, lines, and surfaces to acquire Breakline technical standard and using LAS LiDAR to produce DEM for new DEM version. For testing 2D simulation of HyDEM, this project has completed the following evaluation index: (1) modeling resource, (2) current data transferability, (3) detail performance of spatial model, (4) 1D-2D object connection, (5) principles for implementing different cell resolutions. According to forementioned evaluation, we know that HyDEM has helped clearly defining 2D flooding simulation with 3D hydraulic features keep water shore details for flexible irregular cell model construction and implementation. During 3D performance of HyDEM and flooding simulation, we have not only worked with National Land Surveying and Mapping Center, Ministry of the Interior for multiple dimension spatial information service platform but completed 3D display platform development and technology evaluations to propose optimized solutions. Furthermore, using HyDEM measuring and checking technical guide to assist its revision from the perspective of hydraulic engineering and related testing procedure for user’s manual. This project has completed “Topological Implementation Reference Manual” for each simulation scenario and instruction to real world application for further users’ reference. Integrating past simulation results and new hydraulic data HyDEM, visualizing topographical information for software development. This in turn not only for checking the accuracy of past simulation results, but preserving past models for following up simulation development for increasing efficiency of model implementation and checking in the future.
年度項目1.建置HyDEM二維淹水模型 以內政部近年產製之HyDEM範圍中1~2個集水區為建置區域,並以可公開取得或商業二維淹水模式為平臺進行建置,主要瞭解HyDEM建模過程之問題及解決方法,以數場歷史事件為例檢視模擬過程效率、模擬結果合理性及準確度。此外,須結合HyDEM及淹水模擬歷程進行三維成果展示。 2.完成HyDEM資料使用指引 以內政部技術指引為參考基礎,撰寫HyDEM之資料說明及使用方式,並協助技術指引部分內容撰寫及修正。 3.完成地文資料建置作業參考手冊 以HyDEM及三維水利圖徵為核心,說明如何於不同解析度下編輯數值地形資料,並將模式中其他地文資料更新建置及檢核流程載明。 4.完成模式檢核工具 搭配地文資料建置作業參考手冊,研發並完成模式地文資料檢核工具,並以視覺化操作方式提供。
英文關鍵字HyDEM, Flooding model, Digital topographic information
計畫研究成果1.利用既有數模成果為基礎,完成D-Flow FM二維模式建模測試,以測試結果可知,D-Flow FM雖提供完整匯入SOBEK專案功能,卻未必都能完整發揮功能,如要SOBEK專案轉至D-Flow FM仍需細部檢核確認。 2.完成以純二維模式D-FLOW FM中加上一維物件連接探討,確實可以表達仁德滯洪池與河道間的水流情況。相對過去一、二維耦合模式的設置方式,純二維模式在建模上較為簡易,一些細部溢淹處,也都能反映出來。 3.協助完成HyDEM技術指引之修正,透過積極參與專家學者會議,以水利端觀點進行水利工程名詞統一,並給大斷面測量資料與HyDEM成果整合作業之協助。 4.以HyDEM為建模核心資料,完成《地文建置作業參考手冊》,依不同使用情境說明HyDEM在模式中可以扮演的角色及實際應用時機、方法及效果,供後續水利端建模者參考。 5.完成河道水系空間資訊檢核工具,透過歷年完成之SOBEK模式專案結構解析,並針對物件關聯性進行拓展,分別針對斷面物件、物件高程及物件屬性進行檢核,除提供完整表單資訊外,更將物件轉換為向量圖資,可作為後續移轉到新的模式與建置模式基礎資料來源。
應用情形及效益1.利用內政部HyDEM展品,進行二維淹水模式應用測試。 2.參考內政部HyDEM技術指引,將從一、二維耦合、純二維等二維淹水模式使用HyDEM之經驗反饋,持續修正及完成HyDEM資料使用指引。 3.使用HyDEM為建模核心資料,並將二維淹水模式建置流程及遇到的問題,撰寫為地文資料建置作業參考手冊。 4.以視覺化工具為目標,完成地文資料檢核功能,以提高地文資料建置及檢核效率。