

英文計畫名稱Monitoring Instrument Maintenance and Flow Observation for Dingzilan Creek
中文計畫摘要基隆地區之自有水源主要靠雙溪之貢寮堰與基隆河八堵抽水站之川流水,及新山水庫與西勢水庫之水庫水。貢寮淨水場設計出水量每日10萬立方公尺,其現有水源即取自雙溪之貢寮堰,因該堰採川流取水,用水原則為於豐水期可儘量出水,以減低新山淨水場出水量,增加新山水庫蓄水量,利於雙溪枯水期無水時之用水調度。本計畫賡續2012 年至2020年貢寮堰上游丁子蘭溪之雙溪水庫規劃壩址的水位流量站觀測成果,蒐集水文、產砂、輸砂等資料,持續辦理水砂資料觀測。另雙溪水庫壩址區域經查經濟部中央地質調查所山崩潛感圖顯示為山崩地滑地質敏感區,本計畫亦針對集水區及壩址邊坡進行相關分析,透過現地各項感測儀器,持續監測蒐集邊坡變遷情勢及水文地質特性,俾利規劃中之雙溪水庫計畫推動參考。 經濟部水利署水利規劃試驗所(以下簡稱本所)依據經濟部水利署(以下簡稱 鈞署)109年11月10日經水綜字第10914075620號函,「本署110年度委託服務預定計畫複審會議」會議紀錄決議,爰提本委託服務計畫書,以利工展,期能持續監測蒐集雙溪水庫規劃壩址邊坡變遷情勢及集水區水文地質特性,提供相關計畫參考。
英文計畫摘要In sand-water observation analysis, we executed 8 times field observations (from June, 2021 to September, 2022)in order to measure the water level of Dinglan Bridge and collect the data of discharge and sediment during the high flow stages, include typhoon season, northeast monsoon season and plum rain season(East Asian rainy season). The formula of Dinglan Bridge’s discharge-elevation rating curve is Q=17.3 (H-20.12)3.77; discharge sediment yield rating curve is Qs=16.345Q1.15, is established based on the observation between 2015-2022. The device of Dinglan Bridge hydrometric stations has been faults, the data recorder and transmission module failure from January 18 to March 15, 2022. Now, the relevant data transmission issues have been resolved, the missing water lever and flow data have been supplemented by the Water Resouce Planning Platform System develop by Water Resources Planning Institute。 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellite geodesy is the main approach used in this study. Based on the nationwide GNSS displacement monitoring graph updated annually by Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and the displacement velocity calculated from the GNSS monitoring stations through the island from August, 2021 to July, 2022, there are three monitoring stations around Dingzilan River, which are the historical data from the monitoring stations: PLIN, FIVE and FLON. It is discovered that the site of Dingzilan River tends to to move to the southeast at around 3cm to the east and 1.2cm to the south every year from the change of velocity field and displacement quantities (Figure 10), which has the same tendency with the result calculated from the RTK monitoring data of TTL22 and TTL23. The terrain variation comparison is between the DSM of current phase and last phase (September, 2018), and the study concentrates on the sites of landslides history in Dingzilan catchment area. In terms of the variation analysis on 10 sites of landslides history, there are no new landslides occurring in Dingzilan catchment area from the orthoimages in current years. In addition, it is found that the vegetation has been mostly restored and goes well in the 10 sites of landslides history from the aerial photos, meanwhile the minor terrain variation quantities indicate to the steady side slopes with no signs of landslides. The programming language for the displacement monitoring visualization, include HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery UI and Quasar, are used to establish all components and set up the attributes, and added to the smart management system for Shuangxi Reservoir. To comply with the competent authority, Water Resources Agency, the system is designed to follow Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC), information security policies, “Information Security Management Directions for the Executive Yuan and its Subordinate Agencies”, and ISO270001. The security level and protection benchmark are reviewed by the checklist. Every control measure meets the requirement of information security.
年度項目110年度工作項目如下: 1.丁子蘭溪集水區基本資料蒐集與彙整 (1)集水區地形、地質、土地利用等地文資料蒐集 (2)集水區降雨、流量、輸砂量等水文資料蒐集 2.水砂觀測、流量率定更新與水位站維護 (1)水位、流速(流量)及含砂量觀測 (2)水位、流量及輸砂量率定 3.儀器設備維護管理與地表變形方法探討 (1)既有儀器管理維護 (2)既有強地動站資料介接自動化 (3)地表變形監測文獻資料蒐集 (4)既有地表變形監測方法探討 4.雙溪水庫智慧管理系統維護與自動通報功能擴充 (1)雙溪水庫智慧管理系統維護 (2)儀器異常及警戒值示警通報功能擴充 5.工作簡報及報告編印 (1)各階段簡報及不定期工作會報 (2)各階段報告及成果報告編印 111年度工作項目如下: 1.水砂觀測、流量率定更新與水位站維護 (1)水位、流速(流量)及含砂量觀測 (2)水位、流量及輸砂量率定 2.儀器管理維護與地表變形監測分析 (1)既有儀器管理維護 (2)集水區地表位移即時監測功能新增 (3)無人機拍攝數值地形產製 (4)地表變形差異分析 3.雙溪水庫智慧管理系統維護與模組增設 (1)雙溪水庫智慧管理系統維護 (2)地表位移監測功能擴充 4.工作簡報及報告編印 (1)各階段簡報及不定期工作會報 (2)各階段報告及成果報告編印
英文關鍵字sand water observation analysis、deformation monitoring、terrain analysis、IOT
計畫研究成果1.本計畫觀測時間介於110年6月至111年9月,量測水位高程介於20.33公尺至20.94公尺之間、流速介於每秒0.035公尺至1.100公尺之間、流量則介於0.19立方公尺/秒至15.4立方公尺/秒,其中最高紀錄紀錄於111年9月4日上午9時,即軒蘭諾颱風侵襲期間。 2.因前期計畫缺乏高流量觀測,本期計畫水砂觀測以高流量為主,利用本期計劃現場觀測以及前期計畫所測得的水位流量觀測結果,得出水位-流量率定曲線為Q=17.3(H-20.12)3.77。 3.利用本計畫以及前期計畫現場取樣及經烘乾實驗實驗得出之水樣含砂量結果,所繪製至含砂濃度-率定公式則為Qs=16.345Q1.15。 4.本計畫GNSS位移分析結果與中央氣象局計算全台GNSS監測位移結果作為對比,中央氣象局於本計畫場址有往東南方偏移的趨勢,每年約往東偏移3公分,往南偏移1.2公分,本計畫建置設備為年位移量都不到1公分,其趨勢相接近。 5.本計畫進行丁子蘭集水區無人機空拍,數值地表模型產製作業,與前期拍攝(民國107年9月)成果10處歷史崩塌地進行地形差異分析,發現這些歷史崩塌區塊目前植生狀況亦良好,大多已經復育,此外地形差異變化量小,更顯示出邊坡為穩定的狀況。
應用情形及效益利用已更新的丁蘭大橋水位站的水位-流量與流量-輸砂量率定曲線,可有效精確估算丁子蘭溪的流量與輸砂量。在計畫區內地表變形監測採用GNSS進行地表變形監測,建置三站來監測此計畫區域來記錄地表變動資訊,並了解同震位移。 另外進行丁子蘭集水區無人機空拍,數值地表模型產製作業,與前期拍攝(民國107年9月)成果10處歷史崩塌地進行地形差異分析,發現這些歷史崩塌區塊目前植生狀況亦良好。 現場地表位移監測設備所監測到的數據,進行平台模組化,可於地理圖台上查看監測物聯網儀器的佈置點,列出監測數據,並納入到雙溪水庫智慧管理系統中,讓使用者進行判讀。