

英文計畫名稱Preliminary research on the multi-functional water abstraction system of Dajia river
中文計畫摘要水利署水利規劃試驗所(以下簡稱本所)於107~109年在不影響石岡壩取水功能前提下,針對民間團體所提(1)非工程措施(補充護甲層),(2)降低壩高3.6公尺及(3)降低壩高10公尺等三類石岡壩多元取水可能構想,探討其對大甲溪河道之影響,期能兼顧穩定供水與環境復育之發展目標,達成水環境資源永續經營。 自107至109年舉辦之專家與民間團體工作坊先取得穩定大台中供水為共識,惟對於多元取水構想,因專家與民間團體工作坊討論意見廣泛但尚未獲得一致看法,故短期內尚無石岡壩多元取水構想「最佳方案」,暫時保留各方多元意見。因除構想(1)非工程措施(補充護甲層)外,其餘兩個多元取水構想因降壩後大甲溪常態水源蓄水容量不足,皆須配套之備援水資源設施以為因應,有須面對環評、徵收私有地及當地民眾與利害關係人意願溝通等課題,由於現階段缺乏詳細外業調查工作成果及評估分析工作,難以定論多元取水構想工程可行性。
英文計畫摘要Dajia river is the main source of water resources and hydropower generation in Taichung region, among which Shih-Gang Dam is the pivotal project for water utilization. In the past 40 years, Shih-Gang Dam has experienced the Chi-chi earthquake, Typhoon Mindulle, the environment change with hydrological environment and geological environment, and the reconstruction of building in the river territory. The issues of stabilizing water supply and reducing the environment impact are considered. This study will analysis the possible multiple water intake methods of Shih-Gang Dam under the premise of not affecting the water intake function of Shih-Gang Dam , and explore its impact on the Dajia River. This study aims to attend simultaneously of stabilizing water supply and reducing the environment impact, and finically to achieve the water resources sustainability. On the premise that the Shih-Gang Dam plays an important role in water intake in the Dajia River Basin from 2018 to 2020, the Water Resources Planning Institute proposed to civil society: (1) Non-engineering measures to supplement the armor layer (2) Reduce the dam height by 3.6meter (3) Lower the dam height by 10 meters, etc. Three possible ideas of Shih-Gang Dam multi-method water intake, discuss their impact and effect on the Dajia River channel, and hope to take into account the development goals of stable water supply and environmental restoration, and achieve sustainable management of water environment resources, but for the multi-method water intake system Conception, due to extensive discussions between experts and NGO workshops, but no consensus has been reached, so there is no optimal plan for the Shih-Gang Dam multiple water intake concept in the short term, and the opinions of all parties are temporarily reserved. This project is a preliminary investigation of the concept of a reserve support source for the Shih-Gang Dam water intake system. On the whole, the reserve support concept, which is also located near the Shih-Gang Dam location (Fengyuan Water Treatment Plant) without disturbing the natural environment, cannot meet the goal of stable water supply and cannot replace the Shih-Gang Dam. The current reserve support concept also includes the acquisition of land use consent and the negative impact of environmental changes. Although there is no feasible reserve support concept, there are other relevant evaluation results of this plan for the reference of government agencies: (1) Assessing that the downstream channel of Shih-Gang Dam of Dajia River is a sand-deficient channel and needs to supplement soil and sand, it is recommended to take measures to improve and adjust soil and sand of the entire river channel in the basin. (2) The downstream river channel of Shih-Gang Dam needs to maintain the quality of fish habitat and upstream channels. It is recommended to conduct special research and improvement. (3) The local people are not disgusted with the Shih-Gang Dam facilities, but they have doubts about the reduction of the dam, which is obviously different from the views of the environmental protection groups on the Shih-Gang Dam. It is recommended to provide opportunities for communication, which is conducive to gradually reducing different viewpoints and communicating in a rational and good-natured manner.
年度項目1.基本資料蒐集整理分析(含河川環境資料(含河床質)蒐集、環境議題分析、水資源政策目標及相關計畫) 2.大甲溪流域水資源可能方案評析 3.大甲溪(含石岡壩上下游)河道斷面補充測量 4.多元取水可能構想水源模擬運用分析 5.石岡壩上下游河川生態環境分析及生態背景資料調查 6.石岡壩社會人文生態調查 7.行政配合事項、工作簡報及報告編撰
英文關鍵字Dajia river,Shih-Gang Dam,multi-functional water abstraction system.
計畫研究成果(一)辦理補充河道斷面測量及水理輸砂模擬 石岡壩降壩對石岡壩址下游河道輸砂量連續性之影響為正面,例如經歷三場洪水事件模擬得知降壩後之河道改善範圍為長庚橋至后豐大橋。 (二)辦理石岡壩上下游河川生態環境分析及生態背景資料調查 本計畫所記錄魚類相在往昔資料範圍內,但也記錄到喜歡於深潭活動的大型魚類,顯示該河段棲地尚具多樣性。 (三)辦理多元取水可能構想水源模擬運用分析 (四)社會人文調查與訪談